What We Do
The NCLF Deepwell will be operated in a manner that is protective of public health and the environment. We regularly monitor and report our activities to the U.S. EPA, and we are serious about our commitment to compliance. There are many environmental protection systems at our facility, including:
Prior to injection, liquids are treated at a highly advance onsite liquids pretreatment facility. Here, wastewater is screened to ensure only acceptable liquids are prepared for injection, ensuring both our own and U.S. EPA standards.
Protection of all water sources is a priority at our facility. Per federal regulations, the facility is designed with concrete and steel casings to fortify and reinforce the integrity of the underground injection wells.
The facility also takes several steps to remain compliant with our air permit including robust odor controls. All liquids management and treatment occur in a closed facility. Storage containers and processing tanks have secured lids, and liquids are moved from one step in the process to the next via a secure, closed system.